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357英语翻译(MTI)考研精选词 (29)

  • 2021-11-30 10:22:47   来源:黑龙江文都教育   
教育惩戒不是惩罚 discipline is not punishment点名批评 named and shamed口头或者书面检讨 oral or written apology课后教导
教育惩戒不是惩罚 discipline is not punishment

点名批评 named and shamed

口头或者书面检讨 oral or written apology

课后教导 receive after-school discipline

停课停学 suspended from school

平凡铸就伟大,英雄来自人民。每个人都了不起!”    “Greatness is forged in the ordinary. Heroes come from the people. Every person is remarkable”

90后   youths born after the 1990s

以生命赴使命 fulfill their missions at the cost of their lives

大道不孤,天下一家     We are not alone on the Great Way and the whole world is one family.

人类命运共同体 a community with a shared future for mankind

人民至上 put the people in the first place

严重不良反应 major side effects

灭活疫苗 inactivated vaccine

核酸疫苗 nucleic acid vaccine

三期临床试验 phase-3 clinical trials

个人接种预约 individual vaccination reservation

哺乳期妇女 lactating women

恶性肿瘤 malignant tumors

临床试验数据 data of clinical trials

药品和疫苗研发 drug and vaccine development

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