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357英语翻译(MTI)考研精选词 (10)

  • 2021-11-15 15:27:34   来源:黑龙江文都教育   
航班熔断机制 circuit breake mechanism for airlines每周航班实际增加50班 add 50 international flights平均每日入境人数 the
航班熔断机制  “circuit breake” mechanism for airlines

每周航班实际增加50班  add 50 international flights

平均每日入境人数  the average number of daily inbound passengers

中新“快捷通道”  China-Singapore fast lane

商务和公务人员  business and official travelers

重点人群  key population groups

新冠肺炎密切接触者  close contact with COVID-19 cases

境外入境人员  inbound travelers

发热门诊患者  patients in fever clinics

新住院患者及陪护人员  new inpatients and their caregivers

医疗机构工作人员  staff working at medical institutions

口岸检疫和边防检查人员  quarantine and inspection staff at ports and borders

监所工作人员  staff working at prisons and detention houses

社会福利养老机构工作人员  nursing home workers

提升检测能力 boost testing capacity

扩大检测范围  expand the scope of testing

进行人群抽样检测  conduct spot-checks

传染病专科医院  infectious disease hospitals、

县区级及以上疾控机构  disease control and prevention institutions at county-level or above

开展核酸检测  conduct nucleic acid testing

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