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357英语翻译(MTI)考研精选词 (14)

  • 2021-11-17 11:38:41   来源:黑龙江文都教育   
智慧水利 smart water conservancy两新一重(新型基础设施新型城镇化和重大工程) new infrastructure and new urbanization initia
智慧水利 smart water conservancy

两新一重(新型基础设施新型城镇化和重大工程)    new infrastructure and new urbanization initiatives and major projects

跨省区市团队旅游 group tours that cross provincial borders

新业态 new business models

在线教育 online education

互联网医疗 online health services

线上办公 telecommuting

数字化治理 digital governance

产业平台化发展传统企业数字化转型 digital transformation of traditional enterprises

虚拟产业园和产业集群 virtual industrial parks and clusters

自主就业 self-employment

副业创新 innovation of side businesses

影院开放 cinemas reopen

影厅错时排场 staggered film times for different auditoriums

文物保护 protection of cultural relics

全国性竞赛 national competitions

外教 foreign teachers

外籍教师信用记录制度 a credit system for foreign teachers。

火星探测 Mars exploration

国家航天局 The China National Space Administration

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