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357英语翻译(MTI)考研精选词 (20)

  • 2021-11-17 11:55:14   来源:黑龙江文都教育   
买卖或代写论文 academic paper selling or ghostwriting乡村旅游线路 rural tourism routes建档立卡贫困家庭辍学学生 dropouts
买卖或代写论文   academic paper selling or ghostwriting

乡村旅游线路   rural tourism routes

建档立卡贫困家庭辍学学生   dropouts from registered impoverished families

中国人民志愿军烈士遗骸   remains of Chinese People's Volunteers soldiers

黄金周   golden week

互联网普及率   internet penetration rate

城乡差距   rural-urban divide

数字鸿沟   digital divide

新冠肺炎疫苗实施计划   COVAX

中国特色社会主义先行示范区   a pilot demonstration area of socialism with Chinese characteristics

野生动物   wild animals

人工饲养的动物   farm-raised animals

家畜家禽   under the category of poultry and livestock

青少年犯罪   juvenile delinquency

矫治教育   corrective education。

碰瓷   staged crash fraud

消除绝对贫困   eradicate absolute poverty

建档立卡贫困户   households registered as living under the poverty line

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