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357英语翻译(MTI)考研精选词 (23)

  • 2021-11-17 12:04:37   来源:黑龙江文都教育   
金砖国家新工业革命伙伴关系 BRICS partnership on the new industrial revolution暴雪 snowstorm嫦娥五号 Chang& 39;e-5无人航空
金砖国家新工业革命伙伴关系   BRICS partnership on the new industrial revolution

暴雪   snowstorm

嫦娥五号   Chang'e-5

无人航空飞行器、卫星、火箭   unmanned space vessels, satellites, rockets

载人飞行器   manned spacecraft

绕   orbiting

落   landing

回   sample returning

贫困县全部脱贫   all impoverished counties removed from the poverty list

数字鸿沟   digital divide

打赏实名制   real-name management for livestreaming reward

失信约束制度   the mechanism for deterring acts of bad faith

社会信用体系   the social credit system

进口冷链食品   imported cold-chain food

提升口岸通 关效率   improve customs clearance efficiency

避免货物积压滞港   avoid overstocking

保障产业链供应链稳定   ensure the stability of the industrial and supply chain

载人潜水器   manned submersible

研究生导师指导行为准则   code of conduct for postgraduates' supervisors

冬季疫情防控   epidemic prevention and control in the winter

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